All clients are required to complete a PAR-Q before commencing any exercise programme with The Pilates & Yoga Hub.
New & updated PAR-Q's can be submitted at any time via this online form.
All information will be held in the strictest of confidence.
If you are between the ages of 16 and 69, the PAR-Q will tell you if you should check with your doctor before you significantly change your activity patterns. If you are over 69 and are not used to being very active, please check with your doctor. The Pilates & Yoga Hub may require a letter of ‘medical clearance’ from your GP. Please be aware that your GP may charge you for this.
It is the responsibility of the client to maintain the accuracy of their enrolment form and notify The Pilates & Yoga Hub immediately if there are any changes to their health / contact details / emergency contact details. This PAR-Q becomes invalid if you fail to notify The Pilates & Yoga Hub of any medical changes which might result in you answering Yes to any of these questions.
Common sense is your best guide when answering these questions.
Please read carefully and answer each one honestly.
Submit a PAR-Q
Thank you for submitting your confidential PAR-Q.
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